
Breeders Cup Friday -…


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Breeders Cup Friday – Section: 120 Row: TBA

Great first floor grandstand tickets.


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This section consists of almost all 6 seat boxes with folding chair back seats. Very exciting area as you’re close to the track and the horses. The horses come out to the track through an opening between section 118 and section 119 so you are very close while sitting in section 120. Sitting here gives you this sense of rush when the horses walk on to the track to My Old Kentucky Home.

These tickets also give you access to the third floor clubhouse.

TBA rows mean that we will make sure that your seats are in these sections, this gives us flexibility and makes it easier to find tickets for your order. In turn we discount our TBA rows in order to pass the savings onto you.

This purchase gives you access to the Breeders Cup Friday.

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