
Breeders Cup Friday -…


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Breeders Cup Friday – Section: 318 Row: A – C

Great third floor clubhouse.


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Breeders Cup Tickets for Friday in section 318 is outstanding because it is between the finish line and the 1/16 pole, were many horses make there final move! Many horse owners and trainers have boxes in Section 318 for this reason! Rows A – C put you in the first three rows of the section. In addition 318 is nice because you have easy access to the big open 319 bar, betting windows, and nicer amenities and concessions than the first floor! This area is almost all 6 seat boxes with folding chair-back seats. The third floor clubhouse is very desirable because it is elevated which offers a great view of the track.

This purchase provides you Breeders Cup Tickets for Friday in the first three rows in section 318.

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